Monday, January 27, 2020
Characteristics That Define Community Base Tourism
Characteristics That Define Community Base Tourism In any widely developed, competitive market, like ours, quality service delivery of a consistent and superb hospitality separates business that do well from those who struggles to keep their head above the waters. Quality service is about personalized connection. Its about how people feel after theyve purchased from you or spend days of their lives in your care whether is on a vacation or a business trip. Its about the closely developed bonds, the stunning relationships and the extra-ordinary and positive feelings between the team and the customers. Hiring the most exceptional individuals who understand this concept and delivering it naturally on a daily basis. Product or name aside, it is widely believed that service and hospitality accounts for seventy five (75%) of what is actually sold. Companies are therefore empowered to engage their teams driving them to understand both and responsibly delivering them at the highest possible standard. Hospitality industry is one of the service sectors, with relatively high level of customer contact. The higher the level of customer contacts the more numerous and higher the growth of the organization, quality services include but not limited to: Benefits Under-promise and over-deliver, this by all means should be the ultimate goal for every successful company in the hospitality sector, being attentive and passionate about their customer needs. Once a customers needs are satisfied, you automatically build the foundation and establish a relationship based on sincere trust and devoted loyalty. Collectively contributing to customers loyalty and hence retention which is integral for success and sustained growth in this industry. Feedback Always remain open to suggestions. Understanding what exactly your customers expect and desire from you. Placing a suggestion box in your reception area, cafà ©, air travel or tourism office so you can garner feedback from your customers. Furthermore, dont just gather customer recommendations, but expeditiously act upon them showing that you really care and appreciate their business and value their opinion. It is very essential to understand the importance of quality customer service in hospitality in order to make a positive difference to the business through active listening, learning and implementation. Prompt Service Providing the best service is only the first step, providing it above and beyond the required pace is most essential in achieving a desired goal. Not being fast enough may cause you to lose an important customer and several other referrals. Keep in mind that if your customer is not satisfied, he will knock on other doors until someone else will, constantly learning how to innovate, meeting high expectations and providing excellent service. Customers should be the center of your universe and your services should be designed and tailored to meet their needs. Convenience Both the hospitality and other service related industries thrives on convenience. If customers convenience is missing, this essential ingredient, your business wont last long unless numerous changes demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. Service and hospitality industries were predominantly built to offer the basics of convenience to customers. Knowing that today the industry is expanding and the competition is rapidly expanding, hotel conglomerates are getting more and more innovative, thinking of various means to achieve highest possible standards in convenience offerings. Value Customer needs to be treated with priority no questions asked, and he should see superb value in the services received. Once a customer strongly believes he is getting a great value for the money he is paying, he will in no doubt keep coming back. On the contrary, dissatisfaction with your service will make him turn back and look for value offerings from your competition and paint a daunting picture of your business with his friends and associates. Without these essential tools and services no industry especially in the hospitality sector will survive and stay afloat. Community Based Tourism Community based tourism is tourism in which local residents (often rural, poor and economically marginalized) invite tourists to visit their communities with the provision of overnight accommodation. A community by definition implies individuals with some kind of collective responsibility, and the ability to make decisions by representative bodies. Community based tourism (CTB) enables travelers and tourists alike to discover local habitats, wildlife while celebrating and respecting traditional native cultures, rituals and norms. Communities will be fully aware of commercial along with social values placed on their natural and cultural heritage through community based tourism, hence fostering conservation and preservation of these resources. Nature lovers can visit naturally preserved areas accompanied by a local guide who explains traditional uses of the various plants and local forest lore, transmitting not just information but experience. CTB distinctively provides an excellent alternative to community development thats previously not sustained, giving both rural and urban communities an additional source of much needed income. In supporting community-based tourism, one can immerse themselves in the day-to-day living of the local and indigenous community members while helping to preserve their environment and rich cultural heritage. Community Based Tourism is normally a jointly planned and managed tourism activity of local groups: this new business never can be the main or only income source of the communities and cooperatives but can be an additional income possibility for locals while effectively reducing the impact on the environment. Characteristics that define community base tourism are: Seeks to integrate natural beauty and the daily life of communities. It promotes productive and sustainable practices It adapts itself to the dynamics of rural life making it more welcoming and relaxed. Is sustained by local initiative and participation, strengthening local organizations, which are made up of a wide cross section of families or of the community in general. Fosters participation of the locals in the economic activity, distributing the benefits evenhandedly, while supplementing income obtained by farming. Encourages land ownership by the local population. Local culture passed on to the next generation Build community management organization Environmental Encourage respect for different cultures Development in response to the community needs A percentage of profits from tourism is contributed to a community fund for economic and social development of the community Fostering a shared learning process between hosts and guests A local with organization or mechanism exists to manage tourism with the ability to link tourism and community development Benefits are fairly distributed to all. Educating and building understanding of diverse cultures and ways of life. Raising awareness of natural and cultural conservative among tourists and the local community Stimulated by the sight of tourists and increasing support from government offices and local business operators, development agencies along with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), communities are fast developing the infrastructure and services required for sustainable CBT. Rural community tourism in Jamaica for example, is a showcase of conservation of large tracts of virgin rainforest, reforestation work and organic agriculture as now been explored by the cockpit country and also a showcase of the rich musical heritage and colonial occupation when we were once enslaved, Travelers support these work through their visits and purchases of memorabilias available on location. WHAT TRAVELERS CAN DO Successful community tourism is mutually beneficial for the communities and for the travelers. The big question is where to go? As some communities do have their negative side that spruce its ugly head every now and then. UNDERSTANDING FAILURE Community based tourism is not always successful; we could begin to look at these failures as pathways to great success. Rural community base tourism takes place in already marginalized areas. Created with great intentions, community-based tourism projects and activities are generally abandoned when political pressures arise, jealousies deeply intensify or the heralded ecotourism dont arrive. Many developers talk of integrating communities into tourism, but they rarely visit a community and ask what it is locals would want to see done or the main areas that needs urgent attention. Instead, operations are just imposed in an all too familiar top-down fashion. Likewise, many travelers may require to be graced with the experience community base tourism, but within two to four days they begin to complain that the services are not up to their standards or lack any form of professionalism. Greater time should be spent getting to know your guests. It normally pays off with a richer and more filling experience for all concerned. Successful community-based tourism succeeds when it achieves mutual benefits for locals and visitors. Factors Influencing Caribbean Tourism Growth The Caribbean is experiencing a tourism boost. The Caribbean islands have historically been popular with tourists from America, Canada and Europe. During the global economic recession, tourism growth slowed but remained strong. And now, with the ongoing recovery, tourism numbers are steadily rising with a 4 percent increase in 2010 alone. Ease of Access For most people living in the northern hemisphere, the Caribbean is the quickest getaway destination where they can be on a beach with a colorful drink in one to four hours. The Bahamas, for instance, has islands that are barely 50 miles away from Florida. This has made the Caribbean a favorite of many travelers and contributes to tourist growth. Airlines continue to create more flights such as the Jetblue route from both Boston and New York to the Turks and Caicos. And for those who prefer not to fly, there are numerous cruise ship options. These include the Royal Caribbean Cruises that visit the Bahamas, St. Thomas and the Disney Cruise Lines, which are tailored for families and take them not only to islands like Antigua, but also privately owned islands such as Castaway Cay. Cost As noted above, there are many options for getting to the Caribbean. Consequently, reaching the region is equally affordable, especially when compared with other destinations in Europe, Asia and even parts of Latin America. You can find an affordable ticket for a quick trip during off season when there are less tourists. And for large islands with airports that are hubs for air carriers, like the Bahamas and Puerto Rico, cheap tickets are available almost year round. And upon arriving, visitors can enjoy themselves without going broke. Save, of course, if they opt to shop at prime luxury stores, which can be found on many islands. This affordability is an essential factor in the regions tourism growth. The Caribbean has a variety of accommodations from high-end luxury resorts to bed and breakfasts and everything in between. These options mean that visitors of all economic levels can come to the region. But in addition to the accommodations is the affordable cost. Resorts and hotels continue to present competitively priced accommodations that attract visitors. Reputation The Caribbean has been visited by tourists since the 1800s, and tales of its beauty and relaxing environment precede it. In fact, the Royal Victorian Hotel was built in the Bahamas during the American Civil War, one of the earliest such establishments in the region. This continuing good reputation makes it easy for tourists to visit for the first time or return for a repeat vacation. Also, the region is known for being safe, alleviating concern from families and single visitors. According to the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), the Caribbean Basin in the most tourist-dependent region in the world. The regions tourism dollars exceed gross exports by about a third of total receipts, and about a million workers are employed in the tourism industry. Many factors influence tourism in the Caribbean Basin. Global Economics Since the global financial crisis, which began in 2008, the Caribbean Basin has seen a slight decrease in visitation due to higher unemployment, particularly in major markets such as the United States. Weather Patterns Hurricanes and major tropical storms impact tourism in the Caribbean a great deal. Hurricane season in the Caribbean is June1 to November 30. In Caribbean islands where major storms are rare, such as Curacao, tourism remains unaffected by weather. Oil Prices As the price of crude oil increases, airlines cut back on flights to the region. This reduces access to the Caribbean Basin, resulting in a lower tourism rate. Promotion The CTO has increased the marketing and promotion of the Caribbean region, with more emphasis on Internet social websites, online booking agencies and international marketing offices. Incentives More deals and incentives by host countries attract more visitors. The CTO aims to provide attractive vacation packages to travelers, especially during holidays and the off-season.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Nursing Diagnosis, Interventions and Goal Assignment Essay
Select a major medical diagnosis for your patient. Pick two nursing diagnoses and write four (4) pertinent interventions and rationales for each diagnosis. Be sure your interventions are applicable to your assigned patient. Cite your sources in APA format. Print two copies of this page so you can develop two nursing diagnoses. Patient’s Medical Diagnosis: Hypertension Nursing Diagnosis: Deficient Knowledge 1) Intervention: Define and specify the desired blood pressure limits. Describe hypertension and its effect on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and brain. Rationale: Provides a basis for understanding blood pressure elevation, and describes commonly used medical terms. Understanding that high blood pressure can occur without symptoms is the center allows patients to continue treatment, even when feeling better. 2) Intervention: Assist patients in identifying the risk factors that can be modified, for example, obesity, a diet high in sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress lifestyle. Rationale: Risk factors that have been shown to contribute to hypertension and cardiovascular and renal disease. 3) Intervention: Assess the patient’s motivation to learn. Rationale Provide positive reinforcement. Provide information relevant to situation to prevent overload. Avoid the use of negative reinforcers._ 4) Intervention: Establish priorities in conjunction with client. Rationale: Identify information that needs to be remembered (cognitive). Identify information having to do with emotions, attitudes, and values. Identify psychomotor skills that are necessary for learning. Nursing goal: Patient participation in learning process. Identify intereferences to learning and specific action(s) to deal with them. Verbalize understanding of condition, disease process, and treatment.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Eveline – James Joyce (Short Personal Response)
â€Å"Eveline†, is a story about a 19 year old girl who diligently reflects on the life she has had residing in the same town (in Dublin) with her siblings, everyone she knows, and her abusive father whom she labours excessively for to support. This is the same town her mother died in that she now anticipates leaving for Buenos Ayres, with her fiance Frank. The story of Eveline, by James Joyce, handles many interconnected themes such as attachments, escape and identity, which employs great attention to a specific situation that is relatable to almost everyone: the time to leave home.Though Eveline’s acting outlets resemble those prominent to my own, what interests me the most about her story is her overbearing dilemma to either leave a hard, yet full and interesting life, for an easy and safe, though mundane one. The reason this grabs my attention is because, I’ve often pondered about why it would be so hard for me to leave my own strenuous and distressing home, and my exasperating mother that has caused me so many detriments.This curiosity has led me to believe that the harder one has had to work at home to make things work, regardless of the results, the more interesting their history becomes and the stronger their attachment to that life becomes. For anyone that has been in such a situation, it becomes clear frequently, how big of a part this life is to you and that through the struggles you have learned everything that you now know, and this life is the only one you do know.Something less than ‘this life’ may leave someone, such as Eveline, feeling useless and lost, possibly causing them to spin out of control searching for meaning and value in a new life that seems too simple. The reader sees this progression for Eveline as the story starts with her rested against the window where she goes to reflect not only on her self, but the relationship to the place which she sits whilst the evening rolls in. James Joyce wonderfully illustrates that, â€Å"the evening invade[d] the avenue†at the beginning of the story, while she leaned against the window.This was my favourite line of the story though, I did not catch the second meaning of it until after I had read it a few more times. First, it is clear that, with evening coming, this represents for Eveline, that she is running out of time at home (not in a pleasant and welcomes way either, â€Å"invade†is a pretty harsh word); though it is latent to her until the end of the story that, she does have a choice to stay home. At this point her decision is so straight forward that, to even question not leaving with her fiance Frank would be absurd.Second, Joyce cleverly uses the term â€Å"avenue,†not only to describe the roads of the town which is being covered with the turning of day, but also because it represents the clouding or loss of an outlet or rather, an escape. Eveline sits at the window reminiscing the days that weren’t so bad, when her father â€Å"was not so bad†either. This was a time prior, to when her mother died and before the man from Belfast bought the field which the neighbour kids used to play in and turned the old little brown houses in to bright brick and red houses.In other words, the look of her home did change, some people left town, some people died, but the memories did not die and their meaning did not dissipate. This is important because it foreshadows the reluctance Eveline has to leave her home after having the epiphany that, even if she did run away to a new setting, she would not change who either she or her father were. This realization that Eveline has is not one that everyone does when leaving home (or a place of equal meaning), but even those who do, don’t always make the choice to stay as she did.Some readers may be confused when trying to understand why she did not take the obvious route and leave her father and tiring jobs behind to be with a loving, safe, and wonderful guy as Frank appeared to be. I personally do not question it, I embrace it. The conclusion I drew from reading Eveline made me feel more secure about my own reluctance to leave home and the avenues which I extensively burdened with my attempts of escape and survival.My first was a relationship that was so perfect in its own harmony that I depended on it too strongly to the point that I only saw it as my escape, instead of a separate entity of pleasure, love, and divinity. The second, like Eveline was faith, which is somewhat ironic considering I abandoned religion so effortlessly at such a young age. This turn was not because of a new belief in God, it was for the mysticism and miracles it provided for believers. Unfortunately, my abandonment of religion was so easy because it never made sense to me and it was never my own thought.So my ‘turn back’ was rather unsuccessful when it came to making miracles out of heartache but, it did provide me with new ins ight on the meaning of faith and spirituality that brings me a sense of peace. Though it may only be alluded to in my eyes, what I see at the end of this story is a woman, Eveline, who realizes that she is so much more than just a runner. After all she has been through it would just be too easy to get up and leave with Frank. It seems as if she believes she does not deserve the luxury of leaving while simultaneously feeling that she is beyond an escape.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Juvenile Services Department ( Jsd ) Essay - 1946 Words
A) Overview of the agency; purpose/mission: Juvenile Services Department (JSD) provides a continuum of comprehensive service to arrested and at-risk juveniles and their families. JSD is designed to address the root causes of juvenile crime and prevent further delinquent behavior. Law enforcement and social services to work together to provide a complete range of services for both at-risk youth and youth involved with the Juvenile Justice System. JSDS increase public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency through effective prevention and treatment services that strengthen families to turn around the lives of troubled youth in Miami-Dade County. B) Population being served: Miami-Dade County Juvenile Services Department serves youths who are at risk or involved in the Juvenile Justice System 18 years of age and younger. C) Services rendered to clients: Services rendered to clients at Miami-Dade County Juvenile Services Department to help youth that are at-risk or Justice System are Prevention Program, Civil Citation Program (CCP), Juvenile Alterative Service Sanction (JASS), and Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Program (J-DAP) D) Explain your role in the agency: As an intern at Juvenile Service Department, I work with the CCP and JASS programs. I am responsible for getting in contact with the youth and family to schedule appointments for services. I conduct the intake assessments, and Youth Level of Service assessment to see which services will be effective for theShow MoreRelatedThe Juvenile Service Department Is A Centralized Processing, Referral, And Evaluation Center Essay2071 Words  | 9 PagesOverview of the agency; purpose/mission: The Juvenile Services Department is a centralized processing, referral, and evaluation center for all youths arrested in Miami-Dade County. While at the JSD, all youths are provided with juvenile screening and substance abuse/mental health assessment. ( B) Population being served: The population being served at the Juvenile Service Department includes adolescents and children. The programRead MoreThe Juvenile Service Department Is A Centralized Processing, Referral And Evaluation Center For All Youths Arrested Essay2013 Words  | 9 PagesA) Overview of the agency; purpose/mission: The Juvenile Services Department is a centralized processing, referral and evaluation center for all youths arrested in Miami-Dade County. While at the JSD, all youths are provided with juvenile screening and substance abuse/mental health assessment. ( B) Population being served: The population being served at Juvenile Service Department includes adolescents and children. The program serves
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